
About Us

Heritage and Innovation: Our Artisanal Journey with Mullet Roe

In our mullet roe brand, the artisan spirit is one of our core values. This is reflected not only in our relentless pursuit of product quality but also in the fusion of respect for traditional craftsmanship with a spirit of innovation.

We understand that every detail in the making of mullet roe is crucial. From selecting the most suitable mullet to meticulously controlling the salting and aging processes, each step requires professional skill and careful attention. Our artisans, with years of experience and a commitment to quality, ensure that every slice of mullet roe presents the best flavor and texture.

Furthermore, we constantly innovate, combining modern technology with traditional crafts to bring our customers a diverse and high-quality range of mullet roe products. Whether it's breakthroughs in preservation technology or innovations in flavor and texture, we strive to transcend traditional boundaries, offering consumers a unique mullet roe experience.

Our brand's artisan spirit is not only reflected in our products but also extends to every detail of customer service. From providing professional product knowledge to customized customer experiences, we are committed to making every customer feel our passion and professionalism. This is a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, and a commitment to quality assurance for every customer.

01. Breeding Process 02. Pickling Process 03. Solar Drying Process 04. Original Recipes 05. Design Philosophy


From the Embrace of the Ocean to Your Dining Table

The Breeding Process of Our Mullet Roe Brand

In our mullet roe brand, the breeding process is the cornerstone of product quality. It begins with selecting the finest mullets, ensuring each fish comes from clean and healthy marine areas. We collaborate with experienced fishermen who follow traditional fishing techniques while integrating modern scientific management methods to ensure the health and sustainability of the fish stock.

During the breeding process, we pay special attention to the mullets' living environment, ensuring the purity of the water and strictly controlling the quality and quantity of their feed. Our goal is to simulate the natural growth conditions of mullets in the wild, allowing them to develop in the most natural state, thus preserving the freshness and nutritional value of their flesh.

When the mullets reach the appropriate age for harvesting, we proceed under the guidance of experts. After harvesting, the processing of mullet roe begins immediately to maintain its optimal freshness and quality. Throughout the entire breeding process, we adhere to our respect for nature and commitment to quality, ensuring that our mullet roe is not only delicious but also environmentally and ecologically friendly.


Traditional Craftsmanship, Modern Flavor

The Art of Pickling Mullet Roe

The pickling process of our mullet roe brand is an art that perfectly blends traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. This process starts with the selection of raw materials—fresh, high-quality mullet roe, ensuring precision and quality in every step.

Before pickling, each piece of mullet roe is meticulously cleaned to remove impurities, ensuring its purity. Then, we apply a unique salt-curing formula, carefully developed through years of research and experimentation, designed to enhance the natural flavor of the mullet roe. Our salting process aims not only to preserve but also to enrich the taste and texture of the mullet roe.

Temperature and humidity control is crucial during the salting process. We use precise control systems to ensure that the mullet roe is cured in the most ideal conditions, maintaining its unique texture and aroma. The duration of the curing process is adjusted based on the size and thickness of the mullet roe to achieve the best flavor.

Finally, the cured mullet roe is carefully packaged to maintain its freshness and quality. Throughout the entire pickling process, we continuously pursue innovation while also preserving the traditional art of pickling, bringing you a taste experience that is both classic and modern.

Solar Drying

Naturally Sun-Dried, Enhanced Flavor

Mullet Roe Under the Sun

In our mullet roe brand, the solar drying process is a crucial step in imparting a unique flavor to the product. This step maximizes the power of nature, slowly sun-drying the mullet roe to preserve its natural taste and nutrients.

The drying process begins with the selection of suitable sunny weather, ensuring that each drying session occurs under optimal natural conditions. The mullet roe is spread out on specially designed drying racks, which are made to ensure proper air circulation and to prevent direct, intense sunlight, thereby maintaining the quality of the mullet roe.

Throughout the drying process, controlling temperature and humidity is vital. We closely monitor these conditions to ensure that the mullet roe does not become overly dry or moist during the drying. This slow drying method helps the mullet roe develop a unique texture and aroma.

After the drying is complete, the mullet roe undergoes a series of quality inspections to ensure each piece meets our strict standards. Through this traditional and natural drying method, our mullet roe not only maintains its purest flavor but also brings a combination of health and deliciousness to you.


Blending Tradition with Culinary Innovation

Exclusive Creations: Original Recipes from Our Mullet Roe Store

Our mullet roe brand places great emphasis on developing original recipes to provide our customers with unique culinary experiences. These recipes combine traditional cooking techniques with modern, innovative ideas, adding new dimensions to the rich flavors of mullet roe.

A signature original recipe is "Mullet Roe with Apple Mustard Sauce." This dish ingeniously pairs the savory taste of mullet roe with the fresh spiciness of apple mustard sauce, creating an astonishing palate experience. Another innovative recipe is "Mullet Roe Pasta," where thin strips of mullet roe are added to traditional pasta, bringing a delightful marine flavor.

We also feature "Mullet Roe Rice," where finely chopped mullet roe is mixed into steaming hot white rice, seasoned with soy sauce and green onions—a simple yet flavorful dish. These recipes not only showcase the versatility of mullet roe but also fuse traditional and modern cuisine, offering our customers unprecedented culinary inspiration.


Finding Perfection in Details

Design Aesthetics: The Creative Philosophy of Our Mullet Roe Brand

Our mullet roe brand's design philosophy is deeply rooted in the pursuit of perfection in details. We believe that every design element should reflect our passion for the product and respect for tradition. From packaging to brand visuals, we pay attention to every aspect, ensuring a presentation that is both elegant and modern.

The packaging design emphasizes simplicity without compromising sophistication, combining functionality with aesthetics. We use high-quality materials and unique color schemes that not only protect the product but also convey our commitment to quality. Our labels and printing materials are carefully selected to ensure that every detail reflects our brand values and story.

In terms of visual design, we opt for elegant and modern fonts and patterns, conveying the uniqueness and professionalism of our brand. We also incorporate elements of traditional culture into our designs, such as mullet roe patterns and symbolic colors, to demonstrate our respect and continuation of cultural heritage.

Overall, our design philosophy marries tradition with modernity, creating a brand image that is both profound and appealing through meticulous attention to detail. This approach offers our customers a dual delight of visual and sensory experiences.