

Series Products

choose what you love

Gyokinnshou brand emphasizes "everyday". People naturally engage in eating behaviors in their daily life to obtain the nutrients they need in their diet. It is an instinctive act of survival. The process is a bit like narrowing down all the options and returning to the old routine of eating, without relying on extra intake.

Personal use

We offer a variety of different types of caviar products to meet various purposes and tastes.

For gifts

Whether you want to give it to family and friends, business partners, or special individuals, our caviar gift items can add luxury and unique charm to your gifts.

Joint style

These unique products blend the deliciousness of caviar with the distinctive style of our partners, offering customers a unique caviar experience.

About Us

who we are

Vision of Convenience and Luxury

In this bustling era, we aspire to bring you an everyday delicacy that combines convenience with luxury. Imagine indulging in the flavorful harmony of traditional and modern mullet roe right at home—that's the vision we're dedicated to realizing.

Mission for Effortless Enjoyment

Our mission is to create a space where mullet roe becomes a staple of home cooking. We understand that true delicacy doesn't require complex cooking skills, which is why we're committed to making high-quality mullet roe easily accessible to everyone at any moment.

Core Values: Integrity and Practicality

Integrity, pragmatism, safety, and convenience are our guiding principles. We promise that each slice of mullet roe comes from the most reliable sources, and every process is imbued with respect for the ingredients and a commitment to quality. From selection to your dining table, we hold true to the simplicity and warmth of the countryside, ensuring you can savor each delicious moment with peace of mind.

Target Audience: A Cross-Cultural Bond

We share our story with friends from Taiwan and Japan, especially those who cherish home cooking and are between the ages of 25 to 54. Whether you're seeking simple delights for daily meals or an exquisite addition to a special gathering, we're honored to be your choice.

Slogans That Embark on a Journey

"Indulge in everyday luxury," and "Explore new ways to enjoy mullet roe in the modern era," are not just our slogans but invitations to experience the new frontiers of the mullet roe industry with us. Join us on this journey to celebrate the gifts of the deep sea right in the comfort of your home.

New Release

latest news

Cooperation between brands and chefs